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Obituary Posting Guidelines

Colorado-Cemeteries.com is committed to providing a respectful place for people to honor their loved ones with an online memorial.
  • Colorado-Cemeteries.com will not tolerate intentionally inaccurate postings. If a posting is reported as being abusive, libelous or defametory in any way, Colorado-Cemeteries.com reserves the right to remove it.
  • Comments or content that is abusive will be removed. This includes inappropriate language, racial or derogatory comments.
  • Pictures are limited to 150 KB in size, and should be appropriate for all audiences and ages.

Colorado-Cemeteries.com is a place to honor the deceased and disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated on this site. Please use common sense when posting here. In short, don't post anything that you'd be ashamed to show your mother.

Removing an Obituary

If you posted an obituary and would like to have it removed, you can use your ID code to remove it. Obituaries will only be removed from the site if they violate these rules or at the request of the person who posted the memorial. The posting fee is non-refundable.

To report an inappropriate Obituary, click on the link tht says "Ask for this obituary to be taken down from our site" on the obituary's page to learn te Obituary ID. Then, send the ID number to the the web site administrators. In addition, please provide details describing the reasons the obituary should be removed.

When an obituary listing is removed, if it was posted with internment details, the internment details will remain in the system, including any pictures and content created by Colorado-Cemeteries.com. If a person is buried in a cemetery that is open to the public, and the person has a visible marker, the marker information is not considered private.

To contact the site administrators with problems on the Obituary site, use this support page.

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